Speech Therapy is a science, whose existence is necessary. In a speaking society where language is the basic mean of communication between its members, the Speech Therapy is called to take place and propose solutions to any form of speech, speaking and voice disturbance, to avoid all those parameters that could lead to stigma and therefore the social isolation of the offending individual.

Speech therapy is the science that deals with speech as well as chewing - swalling disorders, voice in children and adults, whatever the cause of these disorders might be: neurological, developmental or functional. It aims to develop extra verbal and verbal communication, cleanliness of speaking and voice and speech production of those with hearing loss.

Therefore, an immediate treatment of such problems is required for the creation of appropriate growth and development conditions of a socially healthy individual. This means that Speech Therapy doesn't act only therapeutically but also preventively.

Speech therapist is the scientist responsible for the prevention, assessment, treatment and scientific study of human communication and the disorders that associated with it. Within this context, human communication encompasses all functions related to the understanding and expression of spoken and written language, and with all appropriate forms of non-verbal communication.

DESCRIPTION OF DISORDERS (to whom it's referring to)
The disorders within the scope of the speech therapist are those associated with the speech and talk, two of the most complex and evolving aspects of brain function, as well as the audio, visual, cognitive - including the learning - oral, muscle, respiratory, voice and swallowing function. These disorders can be simple or complex when involving multiple communication disorders, in particular.
Disorders of articulation and voice disorders.
Speech disorders (disorders flow of speech, stuttering, tachylalia).
Voice disorders, functional, organic or traumatic reasons, congenital oracquired (mutism, dysphonia, efivofonia, etc.).
Oisofagofonia after laryngectomy.

Language disorders (developmental andothers):
i. As for the structure (phonological, syntactic, morphological level)
ii. As to the content (semantics)
iii. In use (pragmatic level).

Disorders of written language (specific learning difficulties: dyslexia, dysorthografia, dysgrafia etc.).
Disorders of logic and mathematical crisis.
Aphasia, dysphasia children and adults.
Neurogenic disorders of speech and talk (dysarthria, etc.).
Linguistic negativity.
Decelerations in language development.
Communication disorders and disturbances.
Each language problem with a central justification the sensory disorders (disorders of hearing, vision).
Each language problem resulting from natural and physical disabilities of the central nervous system, mental retardation and syndromes (down, autism, etc.).
Support - maintaining communication to pathologies of brain aging (Alschaimer etc.).
Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube.
Dysphagia and swallowing disorders.
Speech technology, voice, speech.
Diagnostic issues.
Preventive situations

Speech therapist is responsible for:

Intervene in each of the following steps to prevent the emergency or worsening of a disorder:
a. Education
b. Update
c. Early research aimed at early diagnosis of a disorder in children or adults.
d. Appropriate Intervention to the individual and his environment.

Evaluation requires a full appreciation of all functions and parameters of communication skills and the changes that observed in patients. We must consider the needs of our patients and the characteristics of their social environment. It is a continuous process that often requires the cooperation of specialists from other fields of science. The speech therapist reaches the diagnosis with objective procedures and clinical follow-up and deliver its position on the nature and duration of Intervention.

The intervention in disorders of communication may be in the form of direct or indirect treatment. It consists of acts of treatment, rehabilitation etc. inclusion in social and working life, as well as rehabilitation and early intervention, professional guidance and counseling. The therapeutic applications have technical dimensions, interpersonal and social. The intervention aims to reach the patient, according to his abilities, to the maximum level of functioning and communication corresponding to the environment - social or school or professional - to achieve or maintain an independent lifestyle. So age does not matter, because the disturbances can occur at all stages of life and can be developmental or acquired. An important part of the intervention is to assess its effectiveness. In the case of medical pathology, speech therapy can be a Supplement of medical intervention. The speech therapy intervention also requires participation in treatment programs within the framework of scientific group.


Limited power.
Inaccuracies in the manufacture, alteration or deletion of phonemes
Difficulty in coordinating breathing, vocalization.
Reduced intensity and duration of phonation to expire.
Interval pauses.
Small sentences.
Slow labored speech
Generalized difficulty in executing muscle movements not only in word but also in non-verbal environments
Fatigue: an aggravating factor


Difficulty in executing voluntary movements
Difficulty in imitation
Very limited system sounds
Self-awareness and a sense of frustration
Conscious effort to correct articulator placement
Use short phrases or proposals
Errors outside of the scope
Difficulty moving from one articulator position to another
Monotone speech
Complexity affects the production structure
Often errors in vowels
Delayed appearance of speech and morphological errors
Often need to use alternative communication